Tuesday 22 September 2020

Podcast on Loch Ness Monster


Andy McGrath of "Beasts of Britain" recently interviewed me on the Loch Ness Monster. We covered various topics in a discussion lasting over an hour. You can listen to it on YouTube or via his Google Podcasts webpage.

Now, is that the infamous Searle brontosaurus image I see in Andy's graphics above?

The author can be contacted at lochnesskelpie@gmail.com


  1. Excellent questioner - one of the more rational and non-sensationalist discussions about the LNM that I've heard. Well done! Someone posted the "Monster Quest" documentary online recently, with the aged Robert Rines and attempts to get a tissue sample from the suggestion of a carcass on the loch floor. Rines in one documentary made mention of a film he took while staying with Winifred and Basil Carey, high above Urquhart Bay. Has he ever made that film public? He said it was 50 hump, measured against a nearby boat of known length and it went into the bay and came back again. Would love to see the film, but if he didn't release it, it must have been too indistinct on the film to warrant making it public?

    1. I have never seen this film and I assume its absence suggests it is not of good quality.

    2. MD That Rines sighting has always interested me because he was with three other witnesses and had taken each persons experience on record via audio tape recorder ( I may be mistaken on the audio recording ) or at least recorded each witness to retain the details. He observed " what had to be 25 feet of the back of an animal " not 50. Yes the boat nearby was used for scale.

      How an animal that large or possibly more large animals have eluded quality video or photograph evidence is hard to understand. Once again many clear stories and yet not one damn photo or video CLEARLY depicting a large flesh and blood creature. Several odd photo's and videos maybe but not anything close up or clear in all these decades of searching.

      I do believe there may be or could have been unknown animals inhabiting the Loch but one has to accept the lack of evidence of tremendous. Lots of stories from credible people - but where's the damn monster already?? Or at least one photograph of decent quality.

  2. Really enjoyed listening to that.

    Its good to be reminded of some of the sightings I'd forgotten about, I'd also completely forgotten about that Loch Morar flyover as well.

    Is there anyway of contacting his relatives to see if they found any tapes at all?

    1. I have a good lead for locating the Morar film, its hopefully just a matter of time.

    2. Fingers crossed!

      Do you have any more interviews lined up?

    3. It would be fantastic to finally see this footage from Loch Morar as by all accounts it's pretty compelling evidence of large creatures residing there. I've heard the shape is similar to a crocodile type of animal.
      It would also be very interesting to see the Apple satellite image from 2013 which clearly shows one of the creatures "loitering" in shallow water in a cove off Eilean Ban. I've contacted someone to see if he can help with this .

    4. No interviews lined up. I did one with Scott Mardis a few months back.

    5. Yeah I listened to that one too. I felt that as he's a big Champ proponent, he seemed very interested in Nessie too.

      I also listened to him chat with Bill Gibbons (Roy Mackal's acolyte, for want of a better term) regarding Mokele Mbembe. That was fascinating too.

  3. Forgot to ask in my last post GB, have you heard about the Bodette film (Champ), supposedly not being released until someone coughs up $20k?

    One of the cryptozoology channels I follow on YouTube (Dick Raynor actually commented on this very trailer) is about to release a film highlighting the Bodette Champ film.

    This is the trailer for said film, at the end I think its a clip from the Bodette film itself. Supposedly they observed Champ on the surface, it then swum under their boat as they filmed it.


    1. I know of it, this is one for the Champ experts.

    2. These could be similar animals that live in freshwater bodies of water around the world. There has been some analysis of the Bodette video sequences that have been released, particularly when it is near/under their boat, and it looks like a long-necked creature with flippers...

    3. Fair enough. My thinking was if they finally gave us a good picture of Champ, then our very own Nessie may be if the same species.

    4. Dennis Jay hall has a good photo of a 40 foot adult champ sticking its neck out horizontally. You can see the joints of the neck showing champ to be,most likely,a marine reptile, tanystropheus.
      Interview Dennis Jay hall rense.com
      Liz von Muggenthaler echolocation of champ animals Rense.com

    5. But champ in general is usually 20 ft long.

  4. https://search.yahoo.com/search?p=bodette+video&fr=yfp-hrmob&fr2=p%3Afp%2Cm%3Asb&.tsrc=yfp-hrmob&fp=1&toggle=1&cop=mss&ei=UTF-8

    The only video clip that I could find, reminds me of those old Cadborosaurus pictures.

    1. Theres a clip at the end of the YouTube link I posted the other day

  5. There was no film for the Rines sighting with the Cary's! They just observed it through a telescope all 4 of them plus a fisherman in his boat night fishing! Going back to the giant eel theory there has been a new sighting yesterday and it was described as a huge eel near Dores plus it had several witnesses according to the report! I wonder if Mr Feltham knows anything seeing as it was near his neck of the woods!.. Cheers Roy

    1. Well Roy, to clinch the Giant eel for me as the LNM, it's gotta be at least 35-40 ft long and 6 ft in girth. Anything less than 6 ft is just a big eel. But wait, then there's that pesky neck thingy.

    2. I think Steve was away when this thing was sighted at Dores Beach. I have contacted the witness for more details.

    3. Awesome - are you going to write it up here?

    4. If it was the weekend just gone, Saturday the 26th then i was here all weekend,sat outside watching the loch. The water was calm and there were no speedboats in the bay. The only wakes would have been the regular big ones off of the jacobite boats.
      I didn't see anything that fits Corey Sturrock's description, he may have been further along the beach, or I may have just been looking the wrong way.
      He does mention being on the path along the back of the beach, so that would put him at least a third of the way along the beach.
      I didn't speak to anyone who had just had a sighting, however Corey himself does look vaguely familiar, which is why im inclined to think it was this Saturday just gone.
      Its a pity that the report doesn't actually have a clear date of the sighting.
      If it was the previous Saturday then I was away.

    5. Angle your jar so that you can see the reflection of the loch better next time Steve

  6. Its great to hear of a few new sightings in the loch in the last few weeks. JOHN ALVARADO why would it have to be at least 35- 40 ft long?

    1. For the eel theory to be valid? Simple answer: No known eels reach that length. Some of the sightings over the years describe a huge animal in the size category I mention. One of the best alleged photos showing a large animal would be the one taken by Peter MacNab. If you are willing to take it at face value, it depicts a very large Nessie. GB seems to think it shows two animals due to the offset. One could argue that maybe the smaller hump is in fact the tail offset in perhaps a propelling motion and thus a continuation of one animal. Even so, the biggest hump according to GB, is 30 ft in length. Who knows what the full length would be for the larger, one animal hump if you accounted for a neck, if present, or tail.

  7. 40 foot long and 6 foot in girth.????. John alvrado I don't think there is any creature that big in Loch Ness never mind an eel lol. If ur going on some people's sightings sizes estimates let's not forget people can easily make mistakes on open water.. I've done it myself!! And as for the head and neck Ive explained before how I think an eel lifting his front end up cud give off a head and neck..take a look on YouTube at new Zealand national aquariums eels..they can even give off a hump!! Now im not saying nessie is an eel but it's a good candidate and looks more like nessie sightings than other known species as sturgeon.. Catfish or seals!That is if nessie is a known species of course.. I wud still like to think it's an unknown creature myself . Cheers . ROY

    1. Well yeah Roy! I don't think Nessie is a Giant eel either. I'm not saying you believe that. It's just what fits better than any other theory. I just get weary of people spotting a large eel and proclaiming it as an official sighting of the LNM or some other anomaly. LOL

  8. John yeah eels we know of dont grow that big bit we were talking bout eunuch eels and cud they exist..doubtful but possible in my humble! And I dont think they cud grow to 40 feet no but I don't think nessie can either!I don't think we can put the size of nessie on one fotograph cus we don't know for sure how real the fotograph is.. Personally I think the mcnab foto cud show a boat wake! In my humble I find the best sightings reports say an object averaging bout 15 to 20 feet but that's a different discussion... Cheers . ROY

    1. Many of the "best" sightings say a length of 30 feet..didn't Dr Times day the back alone of his Nessie sighting was 25-30 feet?

    2. Do you mean Rines? I think he said his sighting was approx 20ft.

    3. Yeah,but that 20 feet was it's back!

    4. How do you know? It could of bin the whole thing.

    5. I thought Rines said it was it's back,no head or tail..so that's still a big animal.
      If it's an Elasmosaurus as Government Biologist PHD Professor Tucker said it was ,when he saw it's back (another sighting),
      ,then it would be 30-40 feet long

  9. Found a couple of stories on the "huge" eel spotted off Dores. The witness describes it as "eel-like" and "the size of a bus" Size of a bus? Get to the bottom of this GB.



    1. Does this refer to the length or the width of a bus, or both?

  10. A giant eel the 'size of a bus'....Thats a big eel. :-)

    I Wonder if any of the other witnesses got a picture. Every time I go up to Loch Ness, I have a camera ready, just in case.

  11. Mini bus? 30 seater bus? Full bus? Double decker bus ?

  12. Hey! What happened to the article on the Dores Giant eel? Was there yesterday, now it's gone. I smell something fishy.

    1. A couple of issues to do with accuracy and permissions ... trying to sort it out before republishing.

  13. Hello Good afternoon, I am Jose from Argentina, I love Cryptozoology, unfortunately in my country much importance is not given to it, we have interesting cryptids such as Nahuelito similar to Nessie, Ucumar Similar to Big Foot among others, My hobby is to collect information on these topics but unfortunately most of them are in other languages, I would love to be able to contact you, I saw another blog where they would explain that Champ is a Giant Long-necked Tortoise if you allow me I am attaching the link, I loved your blog, I send you greetings and sorry for me bad english i am using google translator.

    1. Hello Jose. My email is lochnesskelpie@gmail.com
