Reclaiming the Loch Ness Monster from the current tide of debunking and scepticism. If you believe there is something strange in Loch Ness, read on.
Saturday 25 June 2011
Gaelic Folklore and Water Monsters
A new source of such stories has now been made available online and free to the public by the University of Edinburgh in the form of the Carmichael Watson Project. Carmichael Watson wrote the well known work on Highland culture and folklore entitled Carmina Gadelica published in 1900 but this is a mere fraction of his total research which is now available online here.
The problem is most of what I looked at had not been translated from the Gaelic, so in that sense it is still a work in progress. Nevertheless, entering the search term "water-horse" yielded 14 results which gave stories from the isle of Lewis and Harris and no doubt elsewhere but without their translation, I cannot be sure. I have contacted them asking for clarification on future translations.
Tuesday 21 June 2011
The Latest Nessie Sighting
So in this case, the crypto-skeptic response will be "bird". Of course, people mistake birds for Nessie - inexperienced people that is. But these witnesses issue the key phrase:
“We stand here all the time and look out and we see boats and kayaks but it didn’t look like anything we have seen here before.”
In other words, they have experience of watching this same vista many times. They have impressed upon their minds multiple memories of boats, etc at the same distance and they have a sense of proportion as to how big something is at that distance.
Of course, the skeptic may still say "bird". I have a scene that often plays in my mind. I dump the carcasse of a Nessie at the skeptics' feet and say "There's your proof!". To which they reply "Can you prove it came from Loch Ness?".
Original link here - and its Mr. Dinsdale!
Loch Ness Monster sighting reported by locals
FOYERS shop and cafe owner Jan Hargreaves and her husband Simon believe they caught a glimpse of Loch Ness’s most elusive resident — Nessie.
It was while taking a break on the store’s front decking — looking out to the loch — when Mrs Hargreaves and kitchen worker Graham Baine spotted an unusual figure cutting a strange shape through the water.
“We were standing looking out and saw something that looked bizarre,” said Mrs Hargreaves.
“I said to my husband to come and have a look.
“We stand here all the time and look out and we see boats and kayaks but it didn’t look like anything we have seen here before.”
Despite the unidentified creature being quite a distance from their vantage point, 51-year-old Mrs Hargreaves said it had a long neck which was too long to be that of a seal and it was black in appearance.
“It went under the water and disappeared for probably 30 to 40 seconds and then came back up again,” said Mrs Hargreaves.
“It was around for a good four to five minutes. It was just so strange.”
Keen to stress she is not seeking publicity, Mrs Hargreaves does firmly believe what she saw was the Loch Ness Monster.
“It was so exciting,” she declared.
Since August last year, The Waterfall Cafe and Foyers Stores with post office, opposite the village’s famous Falls of Foyers, has been run by Mr and Mrs Hargreaves.
Nessie hunter Steve Feltham, who lives in a former mobile library turned research centre on Dores beach, said he heard about the possible sighting when he popped into the store last week and believes because it was from residents rather than tourists, it is more credible.
“I’m excited by the fact it was locals who had seen it,” said Mr Feltham.
“It’s quite a distance from the shop to the water and they watch everything that goes on there.
“For them to be impressed then there is a possibility it could have been Nessie.”
What particularly excited Mr Feltham was that it was from the exact same vantage point where Tim Binsdale shot the best footage of the legendary creature back in 1960.
“I’ll put the sightings with the other sightings,” said Mr Feltham. “I will also continue to carry out surface observations.”
The sighting was recorded on Wednesday afternoon between 2.30pm and 3pm