Wednesday 24 June 2020

Nailing the latest Nessie Photograph

Okay, so the previous article and the analysis of the photograph's EXIF data led me to conclude this was not a photograph of the Loch Ness Monster. I continued to talk to Steve, the photographer, but that has come to an end as he could not provide the original SD card image. But I was looking for something objective and not just opinions that would seal the deal on this one and it came from Jeriah Houghton who found the above image of a catfish at this site.

As you can see, the spots on the catfish all line up nicely with the spots on our Nessie. So it is beyond doubt that this catfish photo was cut and superimposed on an empty shot of the loch with the colour of the catfish portion being altered in colour. So, nice work, Jeriah!

There is also a nice animated GIF made by "rewyndwilliams" which is here and reproduced below showing the two images sequentially overlaid. The case is closed but I will write a follow up article on photoshopped images as I feel there are some deficiencies in how we approach this subject.

The author can be contacted at


  1. So there is a catfish in Loch Ness!

    1. Then Steve Feltham was right? Loch Ness Monster mystery solved?

    2. No. The catfish photo above was photoshop superimposed on a photo of Loch Ness taken last year.

    3. So there is a catfish in the picture for the wrong reasons!

    4. You do know I was joking right. And having a little fun at Steve's expense. What kind of ninny do you think I am Roland...don't answer that

    5. lol, I reworded the article just in case a real ninny turned up.

  2. I absolutely HATE when people do this crap. It just adds to the notion that anyone who seriously engages cryptozoology and genuinely believes that (some) people are telling the truth about what they've seen, are stupid and should be mocked, or that we are against science.

    1. I know, but at least the tools and teamwork were there to expose it.

    2. Exactly Roland. Glad it has been put to bed.

  3. Catfish are bottom dwellers, of rivers and lakes and only move to shallower waters at night time to feed. So the actions of the pink catfish in the image is not representative of the species, and for this reason Catfish are never going to be the source of The Loch Ness Monster.Eoin O Faodhagain.


  5. Great work once again much luv appreciated

  6. There's a very nice .GIF comparison here:

    1. Nice one, I'll include that in the main article. Thanks.

  7. If there ever was a catfish in Loch Ness, you could see how people would be deceived about it being Nessie.

  8. Yes, I could just imagine some big idiot game hunter posing haughtily with his foot on a poor Nessie. I see your point. You don't think it's possible? Human nature and it's inherent depravity never ceases to surprise me. Look what happened to King Kong! But seriously, yeah.

  9. Trump must go! Nessie forever!


    Well done.

    1. What was this guys motivation? He says he saw “it” with his own eyes and took the picture. He says he doesn't believe in the LNM, but says he believes it's a catfish. Yeah, it's a catfish alright...a photoshopped catfish at Loch Ness! When asked if it could have been photoshopped, he has the gall to say he doesn't think it could have been photoshopped, but apparently he could do it. Again, what was this knuckleheads motivation, or better yet, what was he thinking? What a complete fraud and attention whore. The jig is up sir, have you no shame. Another one bites the dust. LOL

  11. That Nessie photo is an admitted hoax, from 2003 I believe. So, joking or not, this pointlessly adds to the mass of outright lies and misinformation already swarming around the topic. You can't demand scientist take cryptids seriously while also publishing swill a tabloid mag would be embarrassed to print. Standards people.
