Monday 9 January 2017

Monster Programs Alert

To all UK readers, Channel 5 has two hours of sea monster programs and Nessie may make an appearance. Programs start at 7pm.


  1. The first program was about an unknown predator which ate a 3m shark .. but they opted for orcas, not a megalodon.

    The second program was on "extreme sea monsters" and included the kraken, caddy, Nessie and so on. Well, Nessie isn't quite seagoing (or is she). Adrian Shine turned up again and told everyone witnesses were just mistaking boat wakes and birds for monsters. He repeated his bobbing pole experiment to "prove" this. Except such an experiment does not prove anything and is at best indicative of a subset of sightings. I could go on about that, but this was TV science as opposed to real science.

    More interesting was the scientist who recorded a strange sound using two hydrophones. He had no explanation for what it could be.

  2. yes the strange sound was interesting i hope he can narrow it down to a few possible causes.

    1. Either tucker's elasmosaurus(water horse) or plambeck's giant salamander ( water bull)

  3. I will have to catch up on it on My5 later on .

  4. That was a strange noise in the Loch. I wonder what it could be ?
