Sunday, 14 September 2014

Nessie says "No!"

Scotland's most famous citizen (not Alex Salmond) says "No". Mind you, forming a "Yes" would be an interesting proposition. Good on yer, Nessie! It is easier to believe the Loch Ness Monster exists than the promises of the "Yes" camp as far as I am concerned.

Exclusive from Loch Ness here.


  1. Three nessies say yes three say no and three are undecided!!!! And two are too young to vote..... hmmm close call from loch ness :)

  2. Well done Nessie! (and Roland).

    Just be careful, the Yestapo will be along with a harpoon.

  3. You'd think Nessie might prefer Yes. If Yes wins then the Scottish economy will return to 19th century levels and the boat traffic will significantly reduce.

  4. Scotland's population is larger than that of Norway, which seems to have made it into the 21st century.

    1. Scotland and Norway are in fact very different.

  5. George Edwards is claiming responsibility for the above picture ;)

  6. Too right they are. No scot would put up with £9 a pint!

  7. I say that the thousands of sightings are an example of Scottish people power ...and the eyes have it.

    1933/34: LNM goes viral / the SNP is formed.

    late 60s / early 70s: LNIB, Rines and Sir Peter Scott capers / Nats capture Hamilton and surge in 1974 elections

    2010 / 2014: GB leads "New Wave" of Nessie apologists / Freeedom!

    Think about it.


  8. They merely took the photo before Nessie could finsih spelling "YOLO."


  9. Game Over.

    Scotland still in the Union, Nessie still in Loch Ness...

    1. Can you provide proof for the latter part of that statement please?

    2. But I'm sure something will surface again before much longer.

      And strangely enough [re the new thread] I was down on the shore at Foyers just a couple of weeks ago. And I never saw anything when I stood on Inverfarigaig Pier. But I reflected on what a long way it was from Clacton. ;)


  10. As someone who saw Nessie over 50 years ago and who voted Yes I am sure the comments from No voters on here will soon be utterly forlorn.
