Monday 1 February 2021

More on the Rip Hepple Nessletter Archives


As readers will know, a digitized archive of Rip Hepple's Nessletter has been available on this blog for some years, all you do is click on "Rip Hepple Newsletter" to the right. But recently I have been talking with Isaac Koi about getting another site to run these letters. That is the Swedish Archives For the Unexplained who asked if Rip's Nessletter could also be put online.

Naturally, that required Rip's permission who I put in contact with them and he gave them the nod not too long ago. Rip also said that the remainder of his newsletters run which I have not published could be done by both of us. The current run on this blog comprises issues 1 to 120 in 1995, but I will add the rest in due time, but they can be viewed at the AFU. So, follow this link to access Rip's archive at the AFU or follow them here, that's your choice.

Thankfully, a full hard copy set of the Nessletter is also held by the National Library of Scotland in Edinburgh. So it looks like all the bases are covered to preserve this important work. What we now need is a subject index, which is something I have been working on and off for some time.

It is uncertain whether there will be another Nessletter, so again we thank Rip for those Ness Information Service newsletters which he faithfully produced for over forty years. They were initially written to plug the gap left by the dissolution of the Loch Ness Investigation Bureau, but they went beyond that plugging a general gap in Loch Ness Monster news and views as that generation of monster hunters disappeared and their books with them.

The author can be contacted at


  1. That's a lot of reading! Roland, one of these days I'll have to dig up the piece you did in that Newsletter on your speculation on The Unified Theory of Everything of The Paranormal as it relates to your thoughts on the Paranormal Nessie. When you were in your Paranormal Nesssie phase, of course.

    Good that they will be archived in multiple sites and in hard copy form. These documents are a part of Scotland's cultural, folkloric and historical legacy and as such, a national treasure. One day when all good things must come to an end, this blog will also survive, archived on the Web somehow ,or someway for future generations.

    1. Is that Unified theory same as what John keel purposed regarding how Ufos and bigfoot and loch ness all ties together?

    2. Just re-read 'Operation Trojan Horse ' the other week...never bettered imho.

    3. JesusFan: You are correct sir! A paranormal Theory of Everything would suggest that all paranormal/supernatural activity to include poltergeist, UFO, extraterrestrial aliens and in some cases cryptid manifestations have a common origin and nature in another dimensional realm. John Keel posited that there are intelligences beyond our realty that could influence and in some cases interfere in our space time continuum and not for the good and in fact could be malevolent. He termed these entities, beings, or agencies, if you will, as ultrterrestrials able to manipulate time, space and matter in our reality. This intellegenc can also interact with humans in the psychic or parapsychological areas. There is also a trickster element involved devised to deceive and confound humankind in the absurdity of manifestations to conceal it's true agenda. To what propose and to what end is the biggest mystery. This phenomena has always been here to influence humankind in it's affairs and some would even suggest that religious/spiritual beliefs have also been influenced as well. Welcome to our haunted twilight zone world. On a lighter side, I would suggest the Simulation Hypothesis in that we are living in a simulation created by some super intelligence programming our reality and everything in it for it's amusement and gameplay. LOL

    4. An excellent summation, if I may say so.

    5. I am not sure I would understand my paranormal explanation now!

    6. Sorry to cast further doubt and confusion Roland. Some of this stuff is truly disturbing, boggles the mind and assails the sensibilities of otherwise rational people. The truth and reality may be stranger and more bizarre than we can ever imagine!

    7. Parannormal theories were and are held by a minority of Nessie fans. I am surprised Rip let me on his newsletter with those views!

    8. There must have been mention of Ted Holliday and his eccentric paranormal views in the newsletters. I am a firm believer in the paranormal, but when it comes to the LNM, I lean toward a flesh and blood creature. Not every mystery has a paranormal explanation.

    9. what if it is a German U-boat that got in the Loch and they don't realise the war is over?

    10. The eye witness evidence doesn't fully support that idea... but screw it - I'm going to come down hard as a U-boat truther.

    11. U-boat? All I can say is the days of fresh new theories are not over.

    12. Hmm, U-Boat. That's a new one. Why didn't I think of that! OK, what the hell, let's run with that, what have we got to lose at this point. LOL

    13. It could explain the lack of frankfurters and sauerkraut round the loch, these uboaters keep taking them!

    14. LOL! Anybody seen some Germans skinny dipping off a U-boat in the loch lately? Hitler called, he wants his U-boat back.

  2. Why yes, and the snorkel coming up for air could be mistaken for Nessie's head and neck.
    And it could also be a ghost U-boat like the Flying Dutchman...

  3. I shouldn't give Hollywood writers any ideas but "Das Boot 2: Loch Ness" has a ring to it...

    1. Hollywood has already put large submarines in Loch Ness (through a secret tunnel)...

  4. I think this is a more likely scenario than a time slipping U-boat : )

    1. yeah that's nearly got everything, submarines, aliens

    2. It's those alien tricksters at it again!

  5. Point in fact: the U.S. Navy has an acoustic research facility at Lake Pend Oreille in northern Idaho to conduct submarine sonar testing. The lake's properties and its isolation are ideal for keeping away Russian and Chinese prying eyes. And German, as well.

  6. Interesting vintage documentary from 1976, The Legend of Loch Ness

    Towards the end claims to have captured "actual" underwater movie footage. Quite clear, but is it real? Too good to be true? You be the judge.

    1. Does Loch Ness have coral and sea urchins? The vegetation looks like marine seaweed...

    2. Hmm, yeah. If it had been genuine, it would have been sensational news in the main stream media. Instead it's just sensational BS! LIARS!

    3. Many species of shark with blunt pectoral fins as shown. Definitely lifted footage from elsewhere.

  7. Ah, the good old days of 1976 when some of us LNM obsessives firmly believed the loch contained a small population of plesiosaurs. I'd never actually seen this documentary before but since it contains marine footage in a way that suggests it is the bottom of Loch Ness, I don't think there is any reason to take the film of the "monster" seriously. Still, there's always another day...
    Chris Morris
