Friday 11 May 2012

Loch Ness Monster Audio Interview

A few weeks back I was interviewed by Tim Binnall who runs the paranormal website "Binnall of America". The subject was, of course, the Loch Ness Monster. The interview ranged far and wide and we covered a lot of ground and it will hopefully inform people more about the creature. 

The interview can be found here for your listening consideration. I was discussing the subject "ex tempore" so any facts or figures you think are inaccurate we can correct here.

1 comment:

  1. I heard your Binnall of America interview on the web here in Hawaii. It was an interesting update on the history and current state of Loch Ness monsterdom, which I have to admit I haven't paid much attention to in recent years (well, decades actually). Anyway I'm adding your website to my web favorites so I'll be more informed of further developments. Keep up the good work!

