Date: 28th August 2011
Location: Near Lochend
Time: 1000
The sighting reports continue this year with an experience recounted to me by Diane Blackmore. She found my blog having returned home from her Scottish holiday and decided to email her story to me.
Following on from the Hargreaves head and neck encounter in June, Diane also spotted Nessie in her famous pose whilst she was travelling from Nairn to Skye on a bus tour. Her encounter is that bit more unique because she saw the creature face on whereas most such sightings strike a side on pose.
To begin her story, she was at the rear of the bus and looking out over the loch on an overcast day but with no particular thoughts about "Nessie Spotting". In her own words, she describes what happened after Loch Ness came into view southbound on the A82 but still a few miles from the Clansman Hotel:
I was looking out the window keeping my gaze on the water when in the distance I saw the typical body and neck and head of Nessie. She appeared to be emerging out of the water as I saw splashing around her. She appeared to be shiny black in the sun. (Though I know it wasn't a sunny day.)
Adding to the detail about movement:
I saw some splashing like the effect of movement gone on before but I didn't note movement.
The bus continued on its journey as she gazed at this intriguing spectacle which was soon out of sight:
It was all over in a few seconds but I know what I saw. It appeared rounded .... would have to be a blow up model if at all ... but it appeared moving and alive.
I do know that it appeared to be a living creature though, not a wave or a log.
Following on from the Hargreaves head and neck encounter in June, Diane also spotted Nessie in her famous pose whilst she was travelling from Nairn to Skye on a bus tour. Her encounter is that bit more unique because she saw the creature face on whereas most such sightings strike a side on pose.
To begin her story, she was at the rear of the bus and looking out over the loch on an overcast day but with no particular thoughts about "Nessie Spotting". In her own words, she describes what happened after Loch Ness came into view southbound on the A82 but still a few miles from the Clansman Hotel:
I was looking out the window keeping my gaze on the water when in the distance I saw the typical body and neck and head of Nessie. She appeared to be emerging out of the water as I saw splashing around her. She appeared to be shiny black in the sun. (Though I know it wasn't a sunny day.)
Adding to the detail about movement:
I saw some splashing like the effect of movement gone on before but I didn't note movement.
The bus continued on its journey as she gazed at this intriguing spectacle which was soon out of sight:
It was all over in a few seconds but I know what I saw. It appeared rounded .... would have to be a blow up model if at all ... but it appeared moving and alive.
I do know that it appeared to be a living creature though, not a wave or a log.
I emailed Diane back for further details and to ascertain some more facts about the event. The location of the sighting was right at the top of the loch which is much narrower than the main body of the loch. She also said that the creature was three quarters of the way across the loch from her which would place the distance at about 350m-400m depending on the exact location.
Based on that information and the fact that she stated that the Clansman Hotel was another ten minutes away after the sighting, the map below speculates on the probable position of the creature.
Based on that information and the fact that she stated that the Clansman Hotel was another ten minutes away after the sighting, the map below speculates on the probable position of the creature.

I asked Diane to supply a picture of what she saw and two were sent to me. The first is how she saw it from the distance stated and she estimated it was 1.5m to 2m out of the water.
And the second picture below is her impression of how the creature may have looked closer up. I asked her about facial features:
I can't say for certain that there were eyes though I did suggest them in the drawing. I was given the impression in the short time that there was a face though so I must have seen eyes and a mouth.
As to what it may have been, she was convinced it was a living creature and not something like a wave or log. I further enquired as to whether it could have been a bird she was looking at. The reply was decisive:
As to it being a bird, well I wouldn't want it landing on my roof! It was a bird x 1000!
At a range of 350 metres or more, I suspect she is right. A bird at such a distance is hardly likely to excite an observer.
And so the sighting ended. Being a shy person, she didn't want to shout out and risk an accident with the bus and when she told the other tourists, some suggested she had too much of the distillery samples but a few accepted her testimony (and, no, she was not drunk!). It is to be noted that Diane saw the creature in between shrub like trees - which would partly explain why others were not so quick to see it.
At a range of 350 metres or more, I suspect she is right. A bird at such a distance is hardly likely to excite an observer.
And so the sighting ended. Being a shy person, she didn't want to shout out and risk an accident with the bus and when she told the other tourists, some suggested she had too much of the distillery samples but a few accepted her testimony (and, no, she was not drunk!). It is to be noted that Diane saw the creature in between shrub like trees - which would partly explain why others were not so quick to see it.
So what did Diane see? Was it the famous denizen of Loch Ness or something more mundane? Naturally, the skeptically minded will say "bird" because of the long neck. In that regard, a big, impressive picture of a bird like a cormorant is normally shown at this point - like the one below.
And the consensus would be, "Oh Yeah, big bird, easy to mistake for monster ..." and so on. But then you produce a picture of a cormorant perched on the old pier at Dores:
This bird is probably about 20 metres away and is, errm, tiny. What would it look like twenty times further away? I am not really sure, because I probably wouldn't even see it! Impressive close up, nothing far away.
Now since this sighting occurred not far from Greta Finlay's famous sighting, someone who is skeptical may suggest it was a deer out for a swim. Well, apart from deer being reddish-brown and not being black and shiny, their heads protrude forwards instead of upwards when swimming.

And swim it must at that place in the loch or it will inconveniently descend to the bottom. And, yes, those give away ears do stick out a bit.
Perhaps it was one of these very rare excursion by seals into the loch? With that long neck, one is doubtful of that.
But this sighting raises a question that is often seen in Loch Ness Monster reports - how does the creature achieve such high buoyancy? By that I mean, how does it raise itself so far out of the water? What we read here is only part of this buoyancy question as the beast is extremely adept at both rising and falling in a vertical manner.
Typical reports would speak of a hump and/or neck rising and falling effortlessly. Sometimes this could be accompanied by a "boiling" effect of the water or no obvious turbulence.
Tim Dinsdale considered this question and put it down to either displacement of water upwards and downwards by flippers, altering its specific gravity (i.e. density) or altering its displacement (i.e. changing its shape in relation to the amount of water it displaced).
Tim was more inclined to the third option. The unknown factor is how much of the creature is below the water in relation to what is above and what is the average density of what is below in comparison to what is above water.
Quite possibly, the creature has a degree of bodily contraction and expansion plus a gas-based buoyancy organ that combine to allow these feats of movement. Proving that requires a live or dead specimen, until then we move in the realms of speculation!
UPDATE: I have been told that the object in question may have been a buoy that floats on the Aldourie side of the top end of the loch. It is green-blue in colour and its dimensions are similar to what was seen. Whether our witness saw the buoy before the creature, I am not sure but you can add this observation into the mixer and form your own opinion. I continue to investigate whether this is indeed a viable explanation in the context of the witness' location and description.
How fortunate to see the monster just a minute or two after getting to the loch?
ReplyDeleteAh, but Tony, it is all about group probabilities. Pass a million tourists thru Loch Ness and statistically - if Nessie breaks the surface- some will see her.
ReplyDeleteIt is just like saying how fortunate of that coule to win £100M+ on the lottery some weeks back.
Someone will win it and someone will see Nessie - we just can't predict who.
Yes, if there were millions of actual sightings your point would indeed be valid. I was always surprised by the number of sightings in the eighties which were by people visiting the loch for the first time. Just lucky people I suppose.
ReplyDeleteHow many sightings there should be over a given time period is an unknown. It depends how many creatures there are, how often one surfaces during daylight and how many people look at the loch long enough to see anything.
ReplyDeleteSo saying there should be X sightings cannot be estimated.
lol.... are you kidding me? shes at loch ness... HOPING to see something.... she sees something and immediately its loch ness monster.
ReplyDeletein her mind anything she see's and can't figure out what it is, immediately will be considered 'loch ness monster'.
where is the proof?
guys its almost 2012, no proof - no evidence.
@Anonymous you accuse this woman of delusion,where`s YOUR proof?Or do you prefer to cast unfounded aspersions on someones character.I don`t know this woman but credible eye witness testimony is admitable evidance within a UK court of law.On a more general note there have been radar readings taken of the loch which cannot be explained by known factors but which could be accounted for by a large unkown marine animal.
DeleteI guess a long time has passed since you posted this story, so I don't know if you still check all the comments on past articles...but did you ever check out the possibility of it being a buoy as you mentioned in the update?.... the drawings do look rather similar to a buoy....
ReplyDeleteYes, the buoy explanation was offered by Dick Raynor at the time.
DeleteMy quibbles with this explanation is that there are two buoys (red and green) at the top of the loch. From the witness' position, both would be visible side by side plus the object is described as "shiny black".
Andy P - I never suggested that Ms Blackmore saw one of the two buoys at Bona, but the single one with an asymmetric radar reflector off Aldourie. There is a similar one in Loch Dochfour, shown at
ReplyDeletesorry but you have to be a complete moron to get that buoy confused with a moving creature, the buoy appears stationary and floats, the sighting in question lasted only a few seconds and submerged, I didn't know buoys can
ReplyDeleteWell, it was a fleeting occurence, so not likely to make it into the top ten.