Thursday 5 January 2017

Vote for the Best Nessie Sighting of 2016

Source: link

The Inverness Courier are running their annual poll on the best Nessie sighting over this week. The poll closes at midnight on January 8th. The candidates can be viewed at this link, but to vote you need to go to this link and scroll down to the bottom right of the page until you see the voting buttons appear.

The author can be contacted at


  1. Mr Campbell from Argyll gets my vote, but for some reason im unable to cast my vote on the Inverness courier page.

  2. Worked for me Firefox/W7

    I voted for the "Visitor from Texas" which as I post is in the lead.

  3. The Campbell pic is the only good one in my opinion. The rest are pretty lame and wouldn't register a mention on any other body of water.

    I thought the 'dorsal fin' pic was a highlight of the year. Not that it shows Nessie, but it prompted some good debate and showed us once again that even 'experts' can be wrong.

  4. I agree with that RP,and im still awaiting the fin shaped debris to be found washed up along the loch's banks.

    1. You might still be waiting next year. Or the year after that. Would be interesting to know what came of the animal though.

  5. The log might end up on someone's campfire.
